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January 03, 2023
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2018 State of the Lake Annual Meeting
- a free public meeting and educational event -
Thursday, September 20, 2018
6:15 pm - 8:00 pm
Cedarwood Community Church
17194 Highway 72, Waterloo, SC 29384
Keynote Speaker: Dave Hargett, Ph.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Conestee Foundation / Lake Conestee Nature Park
Heather Fields, Town Administrator of Ware Shoals, will speak to us about the status of the Ware Shoals Sewer System & Waste Water Treatment Plant on the Saluda River.
Additional Speakers from Greenwood & Laurens Counties will provide updates and discuss current concerns effecting Lake Greenwood's water quality and environs. Potential topics include:
Shoreline Management Program (required by FERC)
Bathroom & Trash Facilities at public access boat ramps (required by FERC)
Capacity Study of Lake Greenwood (part of Master Plan)
Septic Tank Inspection upon real estate sales (as discussed by Greenwood & Laurens Counties)
Informational Exhibits | Light Refreshments | Door Prizes